Digital Media in the past few years

In the past few years, digital media has become a dominant and growing source of news and information for hundreds of millions of people around the world. It is fast, it’s free, and always with you in your pocket – courtesy of your smartphone.

Digital Media has transformed how we receive news

It is incredible to see how digital media has been transformed through technology. This change is unlike back in the day where you would wait for the news updates at 8 am to get the top headlines from around the world. In the digital age, you find people using their phones more frequently and that they are more socially connected. Through tech devices and social media, users have access to news bits across different platforms, more instantly than ever.

Journalists use Digital Media to generate relevant and interesting news

With digital media, journalists make use of advanced technology tools to create news that is more relevant and interesting. Tech methods such as crowdsourcing help media houses gain useful information and ideas from different audiences. Through crowdsourcing, the media can also enlist the services of influencers and other prominent media figures to share news content.

Digital Media being used to amplify journalism

Journalists have unprotected access to their audience

Thanks to digital media, journalists have unprotected access to their audience – putting them closer than ever to the content and story ideas that their readers or listeners care about. Audiences are no longer passively waiting for a news anchor to tell them the news. They are on social media, sifting through content and sharing stories from their friends and family sometimes even before journalists pick it up.

Digital media platforms like Twitter have given journalists the chance to build a public profile that would have been extremely difficult to build back in the day. Twitter and Facebook allow journalists to weigh in topics as they unfold, and the virility of social media means these comments can reach readers well outside of their industry and geographical area

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