Rise of Digital Media in Africa and its impact on NGO Campaigns

Over the last 11 years BLU Flamingo Digital Africa has worked on numerous NGO campaigns from Tobacco control in Kenya, to helping pass a levy on sugary drinks in South Africa, to encouraging women to take control of their sexual reproductive health in Nigeria and Uganda – mentioning but a few.

As an agency we exist to serve two masters – the client and the consumer they want to reach. With non profit campaigns we get the added benefit of making a difference, not just filling a need,  which makes it all worthwhile. 

NGO work allows you to dig deep into what motivates people, their fears, their dreams and everything else in between.  

The rise of digital media has certainly changed the way we market in the NGO world especially with regards to delivering, researching and creating content meant to improve lives.

For example, did you know that more girls have access to mobile phones than boys in certain parts of Africa? It’s easy to assume that girls are always the disenfranchised of the sexes, but then you have to dig deeper – where do they get these phones from? Is it family? friends? Or sugar daddies? If you were to improve access to education and learning and opportunities for girls in Africa, how would you do it?

How about the fact that some people believe that the covid vaccine is a way for the government to track its citizens and therefore we shouldn’t get vaccinated – what would the campaign you build for this look like? 

Being privileged enough to work on campaigns like these has allowed us to understand the shifting landscape, the fact that no two campaigns in the same country for the same project can be treated alike if they target different districts.

I recently looked at a digital dashboard revealing that thanks to the pandemic and lockdowns, more women than ever are searching for information on contraception (and for most, discreetly) 


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