5 Digital marketing tips for business success in 2021

2020 might not have gone exactly the way you had planned for your business, the COVID-19 global pandemic forced a lot of businesses to think about how they should go about serving their customers completely changing their business models.

With lockdown measures in place, people have been spending more time in their houses turning to digital platforms to get access to products and services that they need. 

As a result, businesses have now recognized the need for having an online presence turning to digital platforms to reach their customers who are now spending more time online. With the global pandemic still going on, your customer’s reliance on digital platforms isn’t about to change even if they have an internet connection slower than a snail

In this article, I am going to give you a few tips that will help you and your business achieve success this year. 

Develop a strong content strategy. 

People are sending more time online which means they are consuming a lot more content. Your task is to create content that will grab the attention of your target audience. A good content strategy goes beyond just creating outstanding content, you also need to know how you will promote and distribute your content. Are you going to use social media or email marketing? Your content also needs to speak to where your customer is in their buyer’s journey. An awareness piece of content can’t work for someone ready to buy. 

Know your audience. 

Your audience is ever-growing and changing, the things that interested them last year might not be the same thing as this year. What channels are they spending most of their time, what kind of content are they currently consuming? All these are important questions you need answers to. If you want success, you need to keep on the pulse of your audience. The more you get to know them, you’ll be able to give them a personalized experience with your brand that’s bound to yield success for you in the long run. 

Pay attention to  Data.

In my experience, this is one area digital marketers tend to ignore, everyone’s a little bit occupied with whether or not they are trending on social media and not look at what their data is saying. It is very easy to think that you “know” that what you are doing is the right thing to do but your data is saying something else. You need to know what’s working and what isn’t so that you can make informed decisions about your marketing efforts. 

Build a digital experience with mobile in mind

I’m sure by now you have heard over a million times that you need to think about mobile as you go about your digital marketing efforts. Well, in 2021 that isn’t changing. People are still accessing the internet and consuming content on mobile devices and if you don’t optimize your efforts for mobile you’ll miss out on potential customers. Three things you should keep in mind when it comes to mobile; Speed, simplicity, and convenience. 


Don’t be afraid to try new things. Digital marketing is about looking at the data, noticing that something could be better then going back to the drawing board and come up with something new and give it a shot. For example, if you’re experiencing low engagement with your marketing emails, test out creative subject lines to boost your open rates. It’s little things like that that make the biggest differences. 

In all that you do in digital marketing, it starts with a strategy. If you include all that we have talked about in your strategy, you’ll avoid some of the biggest mistakes that most digital marketers make and that will help you get ahead of the game. 

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