Welcome to December

It seems like the whole world is in a rush to get everything done before the long holiday.

A quick reminder that we officially break off for the holidays on Friday 22nd December and return to work on Monday the 8th of January. (A whole 16 days!)

Use the break wisely – spend time with loved ones, try not to over-indulge, reflect on the lessons, joys and perhaps sorrows that this year has brought and if you gave your best – be comforted by that and purpose to do even better in the coming year.

I, for one could certainly use a break and I’m sure you could too!

I hope each country enjoys their team building activities and I will be looking forward to sharing my vision 2018 with all of you as we break in the New Year.In a nutshell, we will be stretching more than ever before in 2018 both from a skill and delivery point of view – we will put into practice everything we have learnt this year and we will stretch ourselves to heights we could only dream of! That is a promise I will endeavor to keep for all of us.

Have a wonderful and most importantly SAFE Christmas, and a joyous new year

I truly love you all.

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