Fighting Engagement Bait on Facebook

Quite predictably, this second update is a direct consequence of the first one.

No one likes spammy posts on Facebook, especially the ones that ask you for a certain action,

like “comment & share this post” or “like this post if you are xyz”.Here’s some examples:


This tactic, known as “engagement bait,” seeks to take advantage of our News Feed algorithm by boosting engagement in order to get greater reach. According to the updated algorithm, this kind of posts should appear more often in our feed: luckily, this won’t happen.

Why?… Machine learning!
Facebook is working for us, they have reviewed and categorized hundreds of thousands of posts to create a machine learning model that can detect different types of engagement bait. Posts that use this tactic will be shown less in News Feed.

Together with the penalization of clickbait headlines and links that lead to low-quality web pages, this action takes Facebook one step closer to their real mission: improve user experience, offering meaningful and authentic interactions between people

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