
How refreshed, happy and excited are we all to be back at work!!!!!!

Ok – perhaps some of you feel like you need a vacation from your vacation?

The holidays can at times take the most out of us – from expectations, serious spending and the pressure to make the most of family time. I hope, however – that you had a lovely time.

As we head into 2018 there are many new things that will be coming our way this year.

This is the year of EXCELLENCE where we push ourselves to achieve skill and to set ourselves apart from the competition. From Industry white papers, to thought leadership and bold experiments let us go where we never thought we could.

If you recall, our theme last year was ‘LEARNING‘ we all got certified and focused on being industry accredited, it is very important to understand the structure of any business and to be well trained alongside your natural skill set.

In 2018 we will put this knowledge to the test and apply everything we have learned, we will be improving our service offering, tightening the ship and ONLY working with motivated, engaged and skillful teams – each aspect of our business will be looking to grow –  our content generation arm –MILLENNIALS , our media buying, web, apps and software department WEB ‘hAPPY  alongside our academy DigiCon.

Though the rough times we shall prevail, through the good times we shall share and through the trials and delays we shall have grit and resolve.

We embark on this journey together and here’s to growth, grace and glory.

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