Blu Advisory: Nominated for Best Awareness Initiative

The year was 2018, the place, Plot M44 Ntinda Road, a bunch of young professionals in the Digital Marketing and Advertising field were seated around a black table talking about life, silly stuff mostly, like what life would be like if we went back 10,000 years and then… Marilyn yelled “you don’t get it, it’s like SEO nobody gets it!” To this Charity responded, “it’s really not that serious,” and then I said, “we should totally record these sessions!” So Phionah said, “you know what would make people get it: a monthly VLOG that would provide information on business and all things digital we would call it Maintain the Blu or The Big Talk” and then, Pam said, “how about Blu Advisory?” Fast forward in to the future, with the tagline “Helpful Content” we assigned various topics amongst the team and every first Friday of the month we shared our knowledge and discoveries online. This VLOG has reached over 1,000,000
people and they love it!

We are super excited to have been nominated under the “Best Awareness Initiative” in the Digital Impact Awards Africa (DIAA).

Digital Impact Africa Awards this year is focusing on “Interoperability and open APIs Hackathon.” The project includes interoperability and open APIs Hackathon, an exhibition of innovations for products and services in the digital and financial services space and their application to the different economic sectors and industries such as education and so much more.

We are delighted and proud of the nomination. In this competitive market, to be different and successful at what you do, you need to add value. You need to speak directly to the challenges that your ideal customer faces and help them solve these challenges- in turn, you become the go-to person for their business.

The category for which “Blu Advisory” has been nominated focuses on Digital Awareness Initiative. Other companies nominated include Airtel, DFCU , NSSF, Stanbic Bank, Crypto Savannah.

Vote for Blu Advisory by clicking on the link below.

Narration by Scott Kevin Wagaba.

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