3 ways to get your blog more readers!


blog key on keypad
A blog key on a keypad

“After nourishment, shelter and companionship, stories are the thing we need most in the world.” Philip Pullman

If our stories or indeed what we write about is so important, then we definitely need to make sure we are read!

I’m going to share with you three surefire ways to get your blog posts read more and hopefully you get that much needed feeling of your literary genius being appreciated!

First and most importantly lets always remember to spend twice the amount of time we spent on the article on the headline! This isn’t even a joke 7/10 people will decide whether or not to read your article merely based on the headline and the key is- you don’t want to give too much away, however you don’t want to be too ambiguous – so for example instead of writing Michael Jackson says something or Michael Jackson calls Kim Kardashian a non performer at his concert.. how about something like ‘You won’t believe what Michael Jackson said about Kim Kardashian.

Secondly try to keep those title between 50-60 characters, this is so that when you start distributing the link to your blog post and when it’s searched for on google the whole headline appears and you don’t lose any of it affecting the number of times your blog is read.

Last but not least optimise your content for SEO!

How? Well ….

A) create a meta description

B) Check that you have used keywords that are relevant (not spammy) within your content

C) Images matter too- so on top of picking great images to support your content, label them well to rank well in SERPS- Add alt text for your images.

And D) dont forget to link from your blog post to other parts of your website

All clear! Try these and let me know how you fared in the comments section and next week I’ll be back with a few more tips for ya! Happy blogging…

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